Information for International Students

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International Student Checklist

The following steps must be completed by all international students before arriving on campus. Please note that required steps for all Academy students are detailed here.

All international students who do not possess permanent residency or U.S. citizenship are required to obtain a nonimmigrant student visa from the U.S. Embassy in their country of residence prior to matriculation. Please note current embassy wait times.


All international students are registered for insurance through Geo Blue International Student Health Insurance. The cost is approximately $1,100. Families who have valid US health insurance must send proof of insurance to Health Services.

Geo Blue Insurance Guide

Please complete the International Student Parent Agreement Form in the Education Community. Completion of this form is required before a student can begin classes at Interlochen Arts Academy. 

As part of this form, you'll be required to designate an English-speaking contact person in the event of an emergency.

If there are medical, emotional, or other emergencies, an English-speaking contact must be available and able to help the student, family, and school address these issues. Illness, leaves of absence, and disciplinary actions are also occasions when the need for an English-speaking contact is necessary. Some international parents are native English-speakers or are fluent enough to serve as the primary English-speaking contact for their child. However, even in these situations, it is strongly recommended that there be an English-speaking contact (family member, family friend) that resides in the United States, who is easily available by telephone, and who could take custody of a student, if needed. Many stateside English-speaking contacts also house international students during school holidays when Interlochen’s campus is closed.

Education Community


Interlochen provides transportation from the Traverse City Airport (TVC). Please let us know how and when you will be arriving by completing the Travel Form in the Education Community.

English as a Language Program (EL)

One of the many advantages Interlochen has to offer is the opportunity to study in an intensive English as a Language program while receiving academic and arts training. Students from non English-speaking/writing countries will be assessed for their English-competencies upon arrival to the Academy. Placement exams given at this time will determine whether students are exempt from EL or if they will be enrolled in the EL program before starting core graduation requirements. Students who demonstrate English proficiency are assigned to English courses that are part of the required academic curriculum. As outlined in the tuition and fees chart, enrollment in the EL Program requires an additional charge of $7,200 per year. Should the student demonstrate English proficiency at the time of the assessment, parents will be refunded the fee.

Homestay Program

We will be able to accommodate students who wish to stay in the U.S. over Thanksgiving and Spring Break through a homestay option. More information on this program will be released at a later date.

Support Staff for International Students

Kalyn Rabuse

Kalyn Rabuse

International Student Services Manager

231.276.7524 231.276.7524
Jaime Weidner

Jaime Weidner

Admission Coordinator & International Student Advisor

231.276.7498 231.276.7498