Now enrolling: Interlochen Online courses and certificate programs for Feb. 18.

Creative Writing Certificate Program

Sharpen your writing skills and become a more nuanced, intentional writer. Whether you’re looking to enhance your academic writing or refine your storytelling skills, this online certificate program will provide new inspiration and constructive feedback on your work.

interlochen online creative writing certificate program

Taught by a world-class faculty of writers and educators, the Creative Writing certificate program consists of three four-week courses designed for adults and teens. The program can be completed at a pace that works for you and offers a unique opportunity to delve deeper into your craft while showcasing your achievements with a credential from Interlochen—an impressive addition to your résumé, college application, or LinkedIn profile.  

For students under 18, the Creative Writing certificate program is also an engaging way to earn high school credit. It’s ideal for students looking to challenge themselves beyond their school curriculum or to supplement their homeschool studies.

The following three creative writing courses make up the certificate program, the second two courses of which can be taken in any order:

creative writing pencil iconIntroduction to Creative Writing

✔ Write well-crafted fiction
✔ Sketch characters with wants and fears that propel the narrative of your story
✔ Write dialogue that develops your characters
✔ Create vivid settings with details that are significant and support the characters
✔ Write metaphors that are thematically linked to your characters and settings

creative writing pencil iconCreative Writing Techniques: Nonfiction

✔ Build strong creative composition skills that also improve academic writing
✔ Track the evolution and function of creative nonfiction in different cultures and time periods
✔ Write effective essays by understanding their key components and what drives them
✔ Write autobiographical pieces using key aspects of memoirs, such as their connection to memory and narrative
✔ Apply innovative techniques to create hybrid works by combining poetry, photos, sounds, or other media into your creative nonfiction

creative writing pencil iconCreative Writing Techniques: Fabulist Fiction

✔ Write your own fabulist fiction short stories
✔ Provide positive and constructive feedback to your peers
✔ Discuss the literary movements that produced fabulism
✔ Identify and describe the elements of fabulism in published works

Learn and save: Students who enroll in the certificate program will receive a discounted rate by registering for all three online creative writing classes as a package. 


learn iconCertificate programs comprise three four-week courses, providing deeper training in an artistic discipline or area of study. Students who enroll in a certificate program will receive a discounted rate by registering for all three courses as a package.

Each Interlochen Online course is designed to be inspiring and flexible with weekly learning units that combine video segments and guided instruction that you can complete on your own schedule. Combined with that learning is an optional weekly hour-long video class meeting, where you can learn from you instructor and interact with fellow students in real-time. You will also interact regularly with your instructor and peers through messaging inside the learning environment, including receiving personalized feedback on your work from your instructor.

connect icon

Upon completion of the program, you will receive a physical certificate and a shareable digital certificate. Certificates for students under 18 are accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Central States (ISACS); high school-age students will also receive an official transcript to share with their current school for consideration for high school credit.

Meet the Faculty

Our faculty of seasoned fiction and nonfiction authors brings a wealth of expertise and passion to guide aspiring writers on the journey of creativity and self-discovery. With our faculty’s mentorship, students unlock their potential and refine their craft in a dynamic environment, shaping their voices as writers and resulting in tangible creative works.

Jeni McFarland

Jeni McFarland

Instructor of Creative Writing

Megan Baxter

Megan Baxter

Instructor of Creative Writing

Questions? Speak with an Advisor.


Phone: 231.276.5990 

You can also schedule an appointment.

Access Free Resources from Interlochen Online

An image of the cover and first few pages of the Introduction to Creative Writing guide

Experience Interlochen Online with free guides that teach you practical skills in the arts.