New Jersey

Step-by-Step Directions

  1. Click this link.
  2. Fill out information with the following:
    1. Requesting Agency Name: Interlochen Arts Camp
    2. Staff Name: Cory Haight
    3. Agency Email:
    4. Contact Phone Number: 231.276.7338
    5. Agency Address:
      Interlochen Arts Camp
      4000 J Maddy Parkway
      Interlochen, MI 49643
  3. Click "Continue."
  4. Please check whether you are: Employee, then Camp Staff
  5. Please check guidelines for request: Other law or statute
  6. Additional guideline choices: Michigan MI R 400.11109 Staff (7)(f)(Camp Staff)
  7. Additional employe choices: Other employment type
  8. Explanation of employee type: Michigan Camp Licensing Requirement
  9. Fill in your information then click "continue."
  10. Add children information, if any, then click "continue."
  11. Enter any previous addresses (to your best ability) and click "continue."
  12. Review information, click "sign electronically," then submit. 
  13. You will receive an email confirmation. Forward to: