Connect with Interlochen
Stay in Touch
Send us an update. Come visit. Follow us on social media. We want to hear from you and make sure you have the latest news from Interlochen. Learn how you can stay connected to the land of the stately pines.

Update Your Information
If you share your contact information with us, we promise to keep you updated on campus happenings, reunions, events, and other opportunities to stay involved. Our opt-out process allows you to choose the kind of information that's right for you. We also promise to respect your privacy. Update your contact and other information so you don't miss out!
Missing out on Interlochen news? Make sure you stay connected to the latest news and events by subscribing to our digital newsletter, covering all things Interlochen—news, updates from leadership, alumni profiles, upcoming events, and much more.
Submit a Motif
New job? New city? New baby? We want to know! To submit a motif for a future issue of our digital newsletter, please complete and submit this form.
Be Social
Be the first to know the up-to-the-minute Interlochen news by following us on social media.
- Like us on Facebook @interlochenalumni and @interlochencenterforthearts
- Follow us on Instagram @interlochenarts
- Join us on LinkedIn @interlochenalumni and @interlochen-center-for-the-arts
- Follow us on TikTok @interlochenarts
- Subscribe to our YouTube channel @interlochenarts
Explore the Archives
Interlochen has thousands of photos available in our online photo archive on SmugMug (from 1928-2022). Photos on SmugMug include Arts Camp, Arts Academy, concerts, campus life, scenics, and much more! You can also order high-resolution downloads and prints on SmugMug, too. Please note that during the 2022-2023 academic year, we pivoted to a new digital asset management system called Canto.
If you need help finding a specific photo, contact our photo archivist at or 231.276.7636, and they will be happy to research our extensive archives for you.
We also maintain an extensive collection of recordings of student performances as well as other documents and memorabilia from Interlochen's history. For questions about recordings, performances, or historical details—or to donate your own Interlochen memorabilia that needs a new home—contact
Learn and Grow
Interlochen College of Creative Arts provides a lifetime of enrichment, creativity, and professional growth. Through in-person and virtual workshops, classes, and retreats in a variety of arts disciplines, adults of all ages can refine their craft or learn a new one in a supportive and encouraging environment. Led by passionate practicing artists and educators from around the country, College of Creative Arts programs are designed to nourish the artist in everyone!
Plan a Visit
Anytime is a great time for a visit to Interlochen. Reach out to the Office of Engagement and let us know you're coming. We can arrange a campus tour, point you to a concert, share lodging options, connect you to the photo archive, and welcome you home!
Watch and Listen Online
Make every day an Interlochen event. Watch live student performances or browse through our webcast archive. It means so much to our students to know that you’re cheering them on!
You can also stream Interlochen Public Radio on-demand through the IPR website or the IPR mobile app, available for iOS on the App Store or for Android on Google Play.
Request a Transcript
Interlochen Arts Academy alumni can request a transcript free of charge. Transcripts are sent via First Class Mail and are delivered in about 3-5 business days. Contact our Academic and College Counseling office with any questions.
Contact Us
Don't see what you need? Reach out to a member of our team or email our office at We're happy to help.