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Double Bass Audition Requirements


Please prepare two contrasting pieces that demonstrate your playing ability and tone. Appropriate works include etudes, solo works, and movements from sonatas or concerti. No accompaniment is necessary.

Suggested Repertoire:

  • Bottesini – Concerto No. 2 in B Minor (or A)
  • Dittersdorf – Concerto in E Major (or D)
  • Dragonetti – Concerto in A Major (or G)
  • Koussevitzky – Concerto in F-sharp Minor (or E)
  • Vanhal – Concerto in C Major (or D)
  • Bach – unaccompanied Cello Suites (in any key)
  • Paganini – Moses Variations

Video Introduction: Tell us about who you are as an artist. Record a short (2-5 minutes) video introduction, including information about your artistic journey, such as the kinds of classes or lessons you have taken, your artistic accomplishments, any awards you have won, groups you have participated in, artistic experiences that have been particularly meaningful, and anything else you would like for us to know about you as an artist.

If you are unable to present the suggested audition materials, please submit materials that clearly display your present level and potential.


Please prepare two jazz standards that highlight your proficiency as a jazz musician.

If you are submitting a recorded audition, you may play solo or with a group. You can also play with a guitarist, pianist, or backing track. If you are performing with other musicians, please make sure you can easily be identified.

During a live audition, you may also be asked to demonstrate the ability to walk bass lines on both blues and jazz standards.

Video Introduction: Tell us about who you are as an artist. Record a short (2-5 minutes) video introduction, including information about your artistic journey, such as the kinds of classes or lessons you have taken, your artistic accomplishments, any awards you have won, groups you have participated in, artistic experiences that have been particularly meaningful, and anything else you would like for us to know about you as an artist.

If you are unable to present the suggested audition materials, please submit materials that clearly display your present level and potential.

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For more detailed information on the Interlochen Arts Academy application process, please visit our How to Apply page.