Emmett Chapman
About Emmett
Emmett Chapman is the creator of the Chapman Stick� and also the "Free Hands" playing technique. In 1969, after experimenting with tapping on several customized guitars, Emmett turned his instrument upright and discovered how much more he could get out of his playing with his fingers parallel to the frets. The "Free Hands" technique was born and he spent the years that followed developing the instrument to facilitate this technique. That instrument was the Chapman Stick� which was officially introduced to the world in the early 70s. In addition to creating the Chapman Stick�, Emmett has also had a career as a performer and recording artist. From 1969 to the present, Emmett has done both solo performances and played with many jazz legends. He has done concert tours playing colleges and has performed throughout the world. August 2019 marks the 50th Anniversary of Emmett Chapman's unique two-handed tapping method, which connects the musician more powerfully and more intimately to a stringed instrument than ever before. With both hands as equal partners on the fret board, each hand can play independent lines, or the two hands can work in concert to form interlaced arrangements.