Now enrolling: Interlochen Online courses and certificate programs for Sept. 16

The year in pictures: Arts Academy 2022-23

Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of classes, performances, and other highlights of the year.

A group of students sitting in an auditorium smile and raise their phones with flashlights turned on.

Students at Orientation celebrate the beginning of the Academy year with an impromptu concert.

The 2022-23 Arts Academy year was an incredible one. From moments of discovery in the classroom to dazzling performances on the stage, our students continued to amaze with their talent and enthusiasm.

Each year, Interlochen Arts Academy presents over 275 shows and exhibitions. Highlights of the past year included performances of the ballet Cinderella and the musical An American in Paris, as well as the premiere of मुक्ति : MUKTI at David Geffen Hall in New York City.

The Academy also hosted 180 colleges and universities that recruit on campus and welcomed over 140 renowned guest artists to teach masterclasses and mentor students. Other highlights include the launch of the Greenacres Documentary Project and preparations for Bill Banfield’s opera Edmonia, which students will premiere in spring 2024.

Get a behind-the-scenes glimpse of Interlochen Arts Academy from this past year—from campus-wide celebrations to candid moments.

Two jazz musicians dressed in suits play electric guitar and double bass.

Students perform during “Collage,” Interlochen’s multidisciplinary show.


On stage, a group of students dressed in jeans and black shirts raise their right hands.

Students perform during “Collage,” Interlochen’s multidisciplinary show.


Two students look at a glass beaker filled with green fluid.

Students check out a solution during chemistry class.


A dancer dressed in a ragged dress uses a cloth to scrub the floor.

A dancer performs in the Academy’s production of the ballet Cinderella.


A group of dancers dressed in brown and red pose with umbrellas raised above their heads.

Dancers perform in the Academy’s production of the ballet Cinderella.


A student working in a hoop house garden smiles at the camera.

A student works at one of Interlochen’s on-campus hoop houses during Agricultural Science class.


Students on stage pose in formation at the end of a dance number.

Students perform a rousing number in the musical An American in Paris.


Students with their laptops open gather around a long table to listen to their instructor.

Director of Creative Writing Karyna McGlynn teaches a creative writing class. 


An orchestra rehearses in front of a multicolored backdrop.

Orchestra students rehearse for the production of मुक्ति : MUKTI, an interdisciplinary performance presented at David Geffen Hall in New York City. 


An instructor and a student use a digital interface to produce music.

A student and instructor work together on music production.

Two student saxophonists perform, dressed in suits.

Two saxophonists perform with the Jazz Orchestra during the Academy Festival week.

A soloist in a black dress sings in front of a choir.

A soloist performs in a choir concert during Festival week. 


Percussion students dressed in black perform.

The Arts Academy Percussion Ensemble performs during Festival week.


An Academy basketball player prepares to shoot a free throw.

An Academy basketball player prepares to shoot a free throw. 


A singer-songwriter plays electric guitar and sings with a band.

An Academy singer-songwriter performs with a band.


Smiling graduates wait in line before Academy graduation in May.

Graduates wait in line before Academy graduation in May. 


A senior holding a rose and a diploma celebrates after Academy graduation.

A senior celebrates after Academy graduation.


Learn more about Interlochen Arts Academy.