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Interlochen Arts Academy students selected as 2023 Presidential Scholars candidates

The four nominees include two general candidates and two Presidential Scholar in the Arts finalists.

Ruth Abramovitz, Mariae Broome, Elizabeth Keller, and Rachel Lang

The Presidential Scholar candidates: Top row, L-R: Ruth Abramovitz and Mariae Broome. Bottom row, L-R: Elizabeth Keller and Rachel Lang

Four Interlochen Arts Academy seniors are among the candidates in the 2023 Presidential Scholars program.

Acting major Ruth Abramovitz (IAC 15-19, IO 20, IAA 21-) and piano major Rachel Lang (IAA 20-) are candidates in the general component of the program, while contemporary voice major Mariae Broome (IAC 22, IAA 22-) and creative writing major Elizabeth Keller (IAC 19, IAA 21-) are among the nominees in the arts component of the program.

Each year, approximately 5,000 high school seniors qualify for consideration for the Presidential Scholars program. General component candidates are nominated based on the strength of their SAT or ACT test scores and nomination from either the Chief State School Officer (CSSO) or a partner organization. Presidential Scholars in the Arts nominees are identified through the YoungArts competition, which serves as the sole nominating agency for the arts component. Each year, YoungArts nominates approximately 60 young artists to be considered for the Presidential Scholars designation.

Candidates will be reviewed by the White House Commission on Presidential Scholars, which will select up to 161 students to be recognized as Presidential Scholars, including approximately 20 Presidential Scholars in the Arts. Scholars will be honored during an online recognition program and will receive a U.S. Presidential Scholar medallion in June.

Founded in 1964, the Presidential Scholars program recognizes the nation’s most distinguished high school seniors and is widely considered one of the nation’s highest honors for high school students. The program’s arts component was added in 1979 to recognize students who demonstrate exceptional talent in the visual, creative and performing arts. Since the program’s inception, 50 Interlochen Arts Academy students have been selected as Presidential Scholars—more than any other high school in the nation.