TODAY (Jan. 15) is the Priority Application Deadline for Interlochen Arts Camp and Arts Academy. Programs fill quickly—submit your app now!

A commitment to the Interlochen community—worldwide

Interlochen Center for the Arts is dedicated to the promotion of world friendship through the universal language of the arts.

Kresge Mission Statement

Interlochen Center for the Arts welcomes students, staff, faculty, family and friends from every corner of the world. We are committed to diversity in its broadest sense. More than 20 percent of the Interlochen Arts Academy student body come from more than 30 different countries. These numbers have grown throughout the 90-year history of the institution, and enrich the culture of our campus and student experience. We welcome every student, and the diversity they bring to Interlochen.

We celebrate these students, faculty and staff. Our community insists upon the core values of respect, honesty, integrity and compassion. Interlochen Center for the Arts is and will remain diverse, open and warmly hospitable to all communities, providing a secure, healthy, welcoming environment for all students—domestic and international.

Today and always, Interlochen Center for the Arts is dedicated to the promotion of world friendship through the universal language of the arts. Our dedication to those ideals, and our commitment to diversity in all its forms, is unwavering.